All In A Day’s Work – Miami Tunnel Washer

Do you know what a tunnel washer is? If you said a machine that washes the insides of tunnels – that’d be a good guess.
But it would be wrong. A tunnel washer is an industrial sized washing machine designed for doing huge loads of laundry like for hotels. They’re made specifically to handle heavy loads. They are also called a continuous batch washers. You can check it out in the YouTube video above.
But that’s not all we did on this – a typical – day for Pedowitz Machinery Movers. We also helped remove an 80,000 pound manhole cover and took in 3 Mazak CNC machines into our 24/7 secure storage and warehouse facility.
Check out our YouTube Channel at Of course you can keep up with our crane services and mechanical equipment riggers on our blog here:
Remember whether it’s a wide belt sander, an industrial sized manhole or a tunnel washer and you need it moved, call Pedowitz..