We’re always on the lookout for top notch drivers and riggers. Our success is made possible by our respected and appreciated employees at all levels within the company. Our managers know the business or
trucking and rigging. We recognize employees for their dedication and skillfulness. By paying competitive wages, and offering benefits, we provide our drivers a measure of job security.
PEDOWITZ MACHINERY MOVERS has developed a regional business model that works throughout the country. Our Northeast, Atlantic States, Southeast and West Coast divisions operate within defined radiuses of up
to and no more than a 500 mile radius.
In this way each division not only knows its customers’ needs, but we make it possible for our employees to be home as much as 90% of the year. By not spreading ourselves too thin, we ensure that our
customers receive top quality care and service, and that our drivers and master riggers are satisfied in their careers.
Our employees are appreciated. Likewise, our drivers and riggers respect the opportunity to work with experienced, friendly, helpful co-workers who take pride in working together as a team.
We implement quality control procedures such as taking hi-resolution photos and or video to ensure that the team element is reinforced on every job, and that all team members are performing their jobs
according to their skill set. The team oriented culture at Pedowitz is one that can be seen if you look at the photos in our gallery.
As far as what you will be driving? We have a superior fleet.
Pedowitz Machinery Movers Houston provides top of the line, well maintained equipment, that is in top-notch condition. Full time mechanics work to maintain the standard of excellence through regularly
scheduled maintenance, and by adhering to safety protocols. In this way or drivers and riggers can be assured that they are operating safe equipment that is regularly checked and inspected.
Please call (936) 446-0384 if you’re interested in employment trucking and rigging Houston TX.