Horizontal Band Saw Installation Cincinnati to Miami
Check out the photos of this horizontal band saw installation in Cincinnati. Pedowitz isn’t only called upon for its trucking and rigging expertise, but our machinery installation services as well.
First, aband saw uses a thin, flexible, continuous steel strip with cutting teeth on one edge. They’re used primarily for cutting metal stock, such as angle iron and other round and flat stock. The blade runs horizontally on two pulleys through two separate guides.
These awesome CNC machines offer outstanding performance, and are designed to offer maximum operating simplicity and space savings. Their robust design and consistent use of vibration-damping cast components make them powerful and durable saws for steel trade and industry.
Check out all the machinery moving action on our YouTube Channel at youtube.com/machinerymoversusa. Of course you can keep up with our crane services and mechanical equipment riggers on our blog here: https://pedowitz.com/nyc-trucking-rigging-company-recent-jobs/
If one of the world’s top aerospace companies calls Pedowitz to transport a horizontal band saw from Cincinnati to Miami, you can too.